

This subtotal includes positions in your brokerage account, including corporate bonds, municipal bonds, when-as-if issued bonds, and certificates of deposit (CD).

Cash, Money Market and Other

This subtotal includes positions in your brokerage account including cash, money markets, unit investment trusts, limited partnerships, US Treasuries, and commercial paper.

Defined Benefit Pension Plan

A type of retirement plan that promises you a stated monthly payment at retirement. The monthly payment amount is updated annually. It is usually based on years worked with your employer and your pay, but will be determined by the provisions of your employer's plan. With a defined benefit plan, your employer usually pays all costs to provide your monthly retirement benefit. This type of plan gives you a dependable source of income when you retire.

Dental/Vision Coverages

This shows insurance coverage you have at The Principal®through work, such as dental and vision benefits.

Estimated Benefit at Retirement

This is how your monthly benefit could grow if you continue working for your current employer until your normal retirement date, usually age 65. This assumes your plan doesn't change, but may include assumed future salary increases.

Monthly Vested Benefit

The amount of vested benefit you have earned from the plan on the last annual update. For example, if you had ended your employment on that date, you would receive this amount at your plan's retirement age, which is usually age 65.

Mutual Funds

This subtotal includes positions in your brokerage account, including open ended mutual funds and no-load mutual funds. Totals may represent Principal Fund positions, and other mutual fund families positions.


This subtotal includes positions in your brokerage account, including common stock, preferred stock, rights, and warrants.

Total Account Balance

The total dollar amount allocated to you under the plan including:

  • Amounts held in various investment options,
  • Outstanding loan balances (if applicable), and
  • Life insurance cash values (if applicable).

Total Investment Account Balance

The total dollar amount held in various investments including:

  • Regular Mutual Fund Account
  • IRA 403(b)
  • Rollover IRA
  • Coverdell Education Savings Account
  • Roth IRA
  • Keogh

Vested Account Balance

The amount of your total balance you own at a particular point in time under the plan's vesting schedule. Your vested balance can't be forfeited.